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Select Mortgage Corp
Abhi (Abby) Uppal
Select Mortgage Corp
Mortgage Specialist - MB608062
Make an informed choice, educate yourself through my office. Paid by the lender. Always happy to help!
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Abhi (Abby) Uppal
Select Mortgage Corp
Mortgage Specialist - MB608062
Rencontrez Abhi (Abby)
I am passionate about financial independence and informed decision making. I grew up in the Himalayas, during the early years I helped my father at his jewellery and lending business. As a young adult I found my endeavours with mechanical engineering and renewable energy. After moving to Victoria, BC in 2018 I fell in love with problem solving for my clients at SleepCountryCanada. Challenges around housing affordability drove me to gain expertise about the mortgage market in British Columbia.
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